Mahasiswa sebagai pelapis kepimpinan negara.Apabila kita hendak melihat wajah negara pada masa hadapan, lihatlah generasi mudanya pada hari ini. Mahasiswa semakin matang dalam membuat penilaian yang benar dan salah. Oleh itu sangat perlu mahasiswa tahu tentang selok belok politik dalam pentadbiran.

Berlangsungnya Pilihanraya Kecil (PRK) di Rompin dan Permatang Pauh merupakan isu politik terdekat masa ini. Tidak menjadi satu kesalahan penglibatan mahasiswa dalam PRK tersebut yang menjadi universiti terbuka pendedahan awal kepada mahasiswa tentang arena politik.

Namun agak mengejutkan apabila terdapat mahasiswa yang kelihatan seolah-olah tertipu dengan cara yang cukup memalukan sebuah institusi penyelidikan bertaraf dunia apabila kelihatan memperalat mahasiswa untuk kepentingan politik luar kampus. Kredibiliti mahasiswa dan institusi pengajian tinggi telah dicabul oleh pihak berkepentingan.

Penyalahgunaan kuasa pentadbiran juga merupakan skandal yang menjijikkan apabila tergamak mempergunakan mahasiswa untuk memilih pihak mana yang perlu disokong. Persoalannya mengapa perlu membonekakan mahasiswa? Mengapa pemikiran mereka perlu didoktrin dengan agenda politik murahan yang kelihatan cuba mengaburi hak mereka sebagai pemilih?


Sangat menyedihkan apabila segelintir pihak pentadbiran universiti tergamak menggunakan hak kebajikan mahasiswa untuk kepentingan kepartian. Pada awalnya mahasiswa dikatakan dibawa ke program khidmat masyarakat, tetapi kasihan mahasiswa diperalat untuk menjadi pendengar setia ceramah politik yang sibuk menghentam pihak lain dengan cerca dan nista. Adakah begini mahasiswa perlu dididik?

Mahasiswa diumpan dengan kuota pengetua, makanan percuma untuk membeli khidmat mahasiswa bagi menjayakan agenda berkepentingan politik. Tindakan mahasiswa dibonekakan sebegitu rupa sangatlah memalukan.

Hak mahasiswa perlu terus dilindungi, agar tidak terus dicabuli oleh tangan-tangan kotor yang rakus membonekakan mahasiswa untuk kepentingan tertentu. Mahasiswa perlu bangkit mempertahankan hak mereka sebagai pemilih.

"Jangan Membonekakan Mahasiswa, Hentikan Pembodohan"



Students are the future leaders of the nation. It has been said that when we want to see the face of the country in the future, take a good look at today's younger generation. Students, in their young adult years have the right sense of mind to assess what is right and what is wrong. It is due to this that we from Pro-Mahasiswa believe that it is crucial students know about the political wrongdoings happening in UTM's administration.

The election (PRK) in Rompin and Permatang Pauh is the center of political attention today. Though involvements of students in any election is not considered wrong as it gives good exposure to students about the political environment outside campus, it is somewhat surprising when there are students who seems to be fooled by this world class research institution when the student appears to be taken advantage of towards the interest of political parties and has been used as a tool off-campus. The credibility of the students and institutions of higher learning have been misused by these stakeholders with a hidden agenda.

Abuse of administrative power is also a questionable act when the student is taken advantage of in choice of political party. The question here is why should the students be puppetted in this manner? Why are their way of thinking brainwashed with cheap political agendas that blurr their minds about their rights to choose?


It is highly devastating that when a few of the University's administration deny using the students' welfare rights for the benefit of a political party. Initially students were said to be brought to a community service programme, however, it is a pathetic excuse as students to are forced into listening to political talks that are filled with hatred towards the opposing party. Is this the way to educate students?

Students are baited with the principal's quota (a merit demerit system to ensure students' accommodation in their college), free food to buy students' services for the success of this political agenda. This act is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the students.

Student rights should be continuously protected in order to stop them from being misused by the wrong hands for their own selfish interests and greed. Students should rise up to defend their rights as electors.

"Stop Making Students as Puppets, Stop Fooling Students"



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